Investors count
4524Loans granted
13 651 302€Average interest rate
11.56%Financed projects
465Default rate
4.48%Average loan term
25.89 m
"Avietė" is a targeted loan program offered by ILTE for small and medium-sized businesses. This government program provides an additional opportunity for small and medium-sized businesses to borrow more easily and take advantage of ILTE's interest compensation.
We invite companies to take advantage of favorable terms and secure additional financing for their business, whether for unexpected expenses or for investing in expansion.
ILTE provides an opportunity to benefit from the support offered and receive a partial refund of paid business loan interest (intended for investments). Starting from February 1, 2024, ILTE's interest compensation allows for a 40% reimbursement of paid interest, up to a maximum of 5% annual interest. Small and medium-sized business (SME) borrowers, as defined by the Republic of Lithuania's Small and Medium-sized Business Development Law, can apply for this support. SMEs encompass very small, small, or medium-sized enterprises or entrepreneurs, provided that the loan agreement is valid at the time of application evaluation (not expired or terminated).
UAB Patikimas turtas užsiima sienų bei lubų dekoravimo darbais bei lauko žaidimo aikštelių įrangos pardavimu ir montavimu. Paskola skrita BNI narystės finansavimui.
8% 12 m | In detail |
UAB „Energus group" yra viena didžiausių inžinerinių sistemų (elektrotechnikos, silpnų srovių, procesų valdymo ir automatizavimo) rangos įmonių grupė Lietuvoje, kurią vienija bendra vizija - kurti inovatyvesnį, tvaresnį ir patikimesnį rytojų, todėl siekiame tapti lyderiaujančia įmone Lietuvos energetikos ir statybos srityse.
12% 6 m | In detail |
UAB "Adelta" užsiima lengvųju automobilių nuoma Bolt vairuotojams. Įmonei reikalingos lėšos papildomų automobilių įsigijimui.
11% 6 m | In detail |
Platforms | Banks | ||||||||
Loan Evaluation Within 24 Hours
We provide financing to various types of businesses and have a unique assessment mechanism that allows us to thoroughly assess whether the company will be able to repay the loan.
Personal manager
From the start of the application process until the very last payment, you will be accompanied by your personal manager who will always assist you and seek the best solutions both in obtaining the loan and in contract execution.
Low Interest Rates
For small and medium-sized businesses, it's always essential to obtain loans on the best terms. Therefore, we continuously strive to offer the best solutions for businesses. By collaborating with ILTE, we provide an opportunity to receive up to a 50% reimbursement of paid interest, allowing you to benefit from their support.
Convenient Payment of Multiple Invoices at Once
To create the most convenient conditions for paying off your existing loans, we offer the possibility to pay multiple loans at once with just a few clicks.
Money Disbursement Within 24 Hours
From Document Signing Businesses need money here and now. Therefore, after signing the financing documents, we transfer the funds within 24 hours, ensuring the timely delivery of financial resources.