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FinoMark comment
IP Mangus specializes in retail trade by trading healthier foods of Lithuanian manufacturers.
Project description
Funding Required:
for the acquisition of goods and the development of the range
- Increase the amount of goods to ensure more stable supply and higher supply.
- Expand the range, including new, unique goods that corresponds to the company's healthy lifestyle philosophy.
- Strengthen partnership with Lithuanian farmers and manufacturers by promoting local production.
for sales and marketing
- Invest in online trading platform or email shop to reach a wider audience.
- Strengthen marketing campaigns including social networking advertising , SEO optimization and local advertising.
for the purchase of refrigeration and other work equipment
- Refrigeration Equipment will allow more perishable products to be stored by expanding their supply and reducing loss due to short shelf life.
further business growth and development
- The company provides for new retail points or development capabilities , including participation in fairs, exhibitions and cooperation with organic products.
This funding will allow Manguste, IĮ to stabilize the available business , but also to develop a long -term growth strategy , ensuring higher competitiveness in the market and sustainable development.
Purpose of raising funds
For working capital